Tacoma's Best Bat Removal

We've been voted Tacoma's best bat removal company the past two years!

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Bat Experts

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Trained & Educated

Licensed & Certified

About Tacoma Bat Removal

Welcome to tacomabat.com. We are the only qualified bat removal company in Tacoma, Washington. We are completely effective at preventing bats from ever entering your house or building again. As experts in bat removal, we know that just because we've removed the bats from your home, there's nothing stopping more bats from taking their place. That's why in addition to our bat removal services, we also offer bat prevention to make sure you only need to call us once. We're sort of odd in that we don't want repeat business, because it means we didn't do the job right the first time. So we make sure to get the job done once and let your home be bat free for good. Bats like to live in dark places where they're protected during the day, since their nocturnal. Thus, they sometimes roost in what might be odd places, like inside your home. When that happens our bat removal services will ensure they can live their lives safe from your home, and your home will be bat free. Once they're removed, we can inspect your home for all the little ways bats could find to get inside, and then seal them up so more bats don't arrive. We want people to enjoy bat free homes so that bats can live their lives without having to get moved around a lot. We like bats, and we want them to enjoy their batty lives without worry. We want homeowners to live their lives bat free, too, so we offer our services in order to make everyone as happy as possible. We operate 24-7-365, so don't hesitate to call us at 253-999-9716 to discuss your bat problem and schedule a fast appointment.


We are experts at removing bats from residential properties. Whether you have a single bat trapped in your house, a colony roosting in your attic, and/or various other problems, there is no need to worry! During our removal process, we make sure to inspect your entire home carefully, tracking down all the entrypoints bats are using to invade your place. Next, we perform a process called live exclusion (where no bats are harmed and all exit your property), then seal all entry holes completely shut. We also take care of the cleanup process after, so your home is safe and clean!

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Besides residential areas, we also have a wealth of experience removing bats from commercial properties! We begin by investigating the area for possible bat entrances, covering holes even as small as 1/4 of an inch. Through our live exclusion process, bats leave the building through one-way exits, and we seal up every hole afterward. Once the bats have been removed, we perform a cleanup process. This includes dealing with guano, replacing damaged insulation, and decontaminating the place.

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Contact us for bat removal today!

What Our Customers Say

What do wildlife rehabilitators do with bats?

Bat Injuries

Bats are incredibly small and light animals, with many weighing under 20 grams. That means they're incredibly fragile and can easily be hurt if they fall out of a tree or have a similar mishap.

When this happens, it's important to get a wildlife rehabilitator on the scene immediately. That's because bats have a high metabolism and need to constantly be eating, so being unable to hunt for a night due to injury can negatively affect their health and lead to starvation.

Who Are Wildlife Rehabilitators?

Wildlife rehabilitators are a group of experts who want to help animals. These are professionals with a deep knowledge of the animal species, allowing them to take better care of the animal than other people.

These experts are also often licensed, as they must follow the laws of the state they're in. This often means they'll have an easier time catching and relocating the animal since their permits allow them to.

Taking Care of a Bat

Wildlife rehabilitators have to take care of a lot of injured bats. This can be a dangerous task since bats can infect them with rabies and other diseases, but these experts know exactly what to do.

Feeding the Bat

A large part of their work surrounds feeding the bat. Since the animal is too injured to hunt for insects itself, the rehabilitators bring the bat food every couple of hours. This often includes feeding the animal mealworms.

Sometimes, when taking care of baby bats, wildlife rehabilitators might feed the child goat's milk to speed up its development. This allows the animal to grow stronger bones and to become independent.

Healing the Bat

Wildlife rehabilitators spend a good portion of their time healing the animal.

The bat might have some minor injuries that the rehabilitator can take care of on their own. Or the animal might be in a more severe situation, at which point the caretaker will visit a veterinary clinic to fix up the animal.

Releasing the Bat

The whole point of rehabilitation is to nurse the animal until it's healthy and can go back into the wild. That's why wildlife rehabilitators will spend a few weeks or months caring for the animal and tending to any of its wounds until it's able to take care of itself again.

Once that happens, they'll carefully release it back into the wild so that it can rejoin its colony and go on with its life.

This also applies to baby bats, as the rehabilitator raises them until they're able to fly and hunt on their own before releasing them back into the wild.

Euthanizing the Bat

In some very rare cases, the bat is going to be in a lot of pain and the expert won't be able to fix the issue. Unfortunately, the rehabilitator will have no choice but to humanely euthanize the bat, so it doesn't experience any extra suffering.

It's an unfortunate part of the job, but it does happen.

Bat Rehabilitators Versus Bat Removal

It's common to mistake bat rehabilitators with bat removal experts. Both titles sound similar, but the jobs are drastically different.

Bat rehabilitators are there to take care of an injured animal. They will not remove a bat infestation or trap the animals.

And vice versa, bat removal experts are concerned with removing bat infestations from your home or business. They often use exclusion techniques to remove the animal. They do not, however, take care of injured or baby bats.

That's why you should call a bat removal expert if you have an infestation on your hands, and you should call a rehabilitator if you find an injured or abandoned bat in or around your home.